Monday, November 07, 2005


Baby Daddy Update

I got a call at work from Weezie last week.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing...just working. You?"
"Well.....are you sitting down?"
"You're gonna be a daddy!"
"Get out! Really? Wow. Potent swimmers I have there, huh?"
"Ya, I guess so."
" many are there?" (remember, there were two eggs)
"One that we can detect so far."

So there it is. It appears that I'm going to be a father. Is this for real? I'm a bit freaked out. A bit amazed. And very overwhelmed and humbled. I'm wondering how this will change my life. Although the child will know me as his/her father, it was a clear arrangement that Weezie was to be the sole custodian, raising the child as a single parent with no financial expectations of me (whew!). I can, however, have as much involvement in the child's life as I want. And I do want to be involved. This child is a part of me. An extension of me. The most important thing I have done. I will be there for his/her first step, first visit to Santa, first day of school, hockey games, ball games, school plays, recitals, concerts, graduations, opening nights, book launches, marathons, Academy Awards, space launches, Nobel Prizes, or anything he/she does with his/her life. I don't mean to put any pressure on him/her...I think I'm just doing what most parents do. Dreaming of the limitless possibilities open to their child. I think I get it. I think I finally understand what a parent feels....and it's still 8 months away. I'll just spend that time hoping and praying that everything progresses as it should. I know it's still very early in the pregnancy, but I am so excited. So looking forward to holding my child for the first time...and for the rest of its life.

Very cool - and how nice you didn't have to do it a second time.
I know! I don't do mornings.
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